Company description
Gaibandha Institute of IT is One of the leading institute in Information Technology. This institute was established in January, 2015 with the noble objective to produce employable skilled personnel. GIIT is a multi-faceted IT institution that started operations in February, 2015. Through its various Divisions, GIIT today provides total IT solutions to individuals and organizations via a wide spectrum of diverse activities that include professional IT Education, Software development, IT products and services, Web based services for e-learning and e-testing and content design and development.
We offer various Diploma and Short courses. Our unique study curriculum, professional teaching, individual classes are some qualities which make us different from other Training institutes.. Students Show more
not only get theoretical program of study but they also get thorough practical training. As we always do our best to give you best.
GIIT delivers individual training, high-quality, and job-based training programs. Faculty members are dedicated professionals who make every effort to strengthen student’s skills and nurture their talent.
Apart from Day time classes, Evening time classes at GIIT has been a special attraction to working professionals to fulfill organizational needs and speed up their career progression. Classes are arranged either beyond office hours on working days or weekends, where a team of experts and experience faculty make learning interesting and simulating with the help of latest audio-visual-aids.
For those who cannot devote long time to computer education, GIIT even has many of short-term courses – that can enhance your computer skills and offer you GIIT certification.