Physiotherapy & Fitness

About the product
Our aim is to achieve your highest level of physical functioning and well being by assessment of your condition and planning a program to help you return to an active lifestyle through the following approaches:
• Pain management
• Improving function and mobility
• Muscular Re-education
• Sports performance enhancement
• Neuro-muscular balance and coordination
We offer the approach best of pain relief, physical therapy consultancy, modern physiotherapy and rehabilitation services.

Service We offer:
• 1. Physiotherapy

A. For Musculoskeletal Condition:
• 1. McKenzie Concept , Maitland Concept, Mulligan Concept, Cyriax Concept for Mechanical low Back pain , thoracic pain & neck pain.
• 2. DTFM, GTFM for soft tissue Injury.
• 3. Mobilization , Manipulation for joint pain.
• 4. Rehabilitation exercise for post surgical problem and different time of pain.
• 5. Myofacial release for Muscle pain.
• 6. Therapeutic massage .
• 7. Neurodynamic approach.
B. For Neurological condition:
• 1. Bobath Concept
• 2. PNF Stretching
Other Treatment Modalities Available:
• Laser
• Short Wave Diathermy
• Ultrasound Therapy
• IFT/T.E.N.S/Wax Bath
• Dry Needling
• Inversion Therapy/Spinal Decompression therapy
• Sports Taping
• Exercises with Gym balls and Bands

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