Internet of Things

About the product
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to physical items equipped with sensors, computing power, software, and other technologies that connect to and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet or other communication networks.
Autonomy tech Bangladesh creates IoT solutions by integrating software and hardware. They assist their clients in identifying cost-effective solutions to their business problems. IoT firms also provide full-stack IoT services to build solutions for several sectors.
We are always excited about the advancement of industrial IoT solutions. Our development team thoughtfully analyzes each application area and uses the latest technologies to deliver perfectly balanced, robust, and efficient IoT solutions, whether they are IoT-based agriculture monitoring systems, IoT visualization software, and Internet of Things marketing applications.
Our IoT development team's extensive experience enables us to manage any volume of data. We help companies realize their IoT goals, transforming the performance of every industry in the process. We are experts in addressing current customer requirements and developing IoT solutions for smart cities, smart homes, and other applications. Based on over two decades of experience working on various IoT standards, technologies, and cloud platforms, we offer scalable, adaptive solutions that exceed our client's expectations. Currently, we are working on a project named Galileo box which is based on IoT.
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