
About the product
Blockchain technology might be used to build a permanent, public, and transparent ledger system for tracking digital consumption and paying content producers like Wi-Fi users and musicians. Many attempts to create digital money have been undertaken in the past, but they have all failed. One of the most serious issues is trust. How can we assume that if a new currency called the X dollar is invented, no one will take a million dollars or your X dollars? As a result, Bitcoin was created to address this problem by utilizing a blockchain database.
The entries in most typical databases, such as SQL databases, may be updated (e.g. giving themselves a million X dollars). It's unusual in that no one controls it; the people who use it run it. Bitcoins can't be forged, hacked, or double-spent, therefore their owners can't lose them. Autonomy tech Bangladesh working on this technology, and we are starting to take projects from foreign organizations.
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