Questions & Answers for National Fans Limited - Dhaka

Here you will find questions & answers for National Fans Limited. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or BangladeshYP users.
You have any showroom in mirpur?
I need 60 ceiling fans for my poultry no is ********
Can I get it factory price and service?
I need 50 ceiling fan , would you please send me a quotation on this requirement .
I need 13 ceiling fans (56") for masjid (with 18 inches rod). Can you supply ASAP? Will there be any special discount for masjid? Thank you.
How much 56" Fan price?
I need 100 Pcs Fan for sales purpose.Can you insure me how can i collect the fan?How much actual per fan price?Thans.


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